Āpōpō Journal is a unique publication developed by and for New Zealanders aged 18–25, to help them shape their long-term future. It provides space for users to reflect on their past experiences, plan for today and prepare for tomorrow.


The journal features life skills and practical advice, a pātaka maumahara (an evolving time capsule), a maramataka (calendar) detailing historic national dates, and an overview of futures studies tools. Āpōpō Journal celebrates the diversity of New Zealand and illustrates the importance of using hindsight, insight and foresight to navigate future pathways.

Āpōpō Journal has been designed not for one specific year but for the next 40, so it can be used at any point from 2019–2058. Make it your own!

Move off the grid and go analogue with Āpōpō Journal.

Available to purchase online and at selected retailers: Unity Books (Wellington), City Gallery Shop (Wellington) and University of Canterbury Bookstore (Canterbury).

Share your Āpōpō Journal experiences and send us feedback:

We’d love to hear how you choose to use the journal.

Tag your images #apopojournalnz or send us a message through Instagram or Facebook.



‘Āpōpō Journal means that I’m always thinking about tomorrow – that’s what this journal represents.’

‘A journal like this is definitely something that is needed in our generation; an era in which the Internet is king and Google gives us the answer instantly. Yes, it’s knowledge, but understanding is only built along the journey taken to attain the knowledge.’

‘Social media can provide a visual timeline of your life, but this is something different. Writing in a journal helps me to remember things.’

‘Love the inclusion of NZ’s significant dates – pivotal moments.’

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